Fire Protection Plug
a rapidly expanding intumescent foam for through-penetration firestop systems.

Key Benefits:
- UL Classified
- Firestop tested for through-penetration applications up to 2 hours in accordance with UL 1479 (ASTM E 814)
- Easy Installation – can be fitted in seconds – no screws or drilling required.
- Maximum 60% cable fill in opening of max. 5” diameter
- Significant Labor savings
- Lightweight (approx. 14 oz.)
- Flexible material enables for easy installation and retro-fitting
- In a fire, the intumescent material expands, closing the opening and preventing flame and smoke spread
- Easy to remove and re-install to add additional wires
- For floor assemblies only one plug required
- Maintenance free
- 120 minute protection

In a fire, the intumescent material expands, closing the opening and preventing flame and smoke spread
Product Details
The FF160 Fire Protection Plug is made of a rapidly expanding intumescent foam for through-penetration firestop systems.
The flexible and lightweight material is ideal for retrofitting installation, as well as new construction of power and control cables, telecommunication cables, and optical fiber cables through solid floors or ceiling systems.
The FF160 Fire Protection Plugs is UL classified for a maximum of 60% cable fill in openings of max. 5” diameter in concrete and can be easily cut to pass wires or cables through them.
Ideal for smaller round openings of up to 5”. No mechanical fixing is necessary.
The high expansion and insulating properties of the FF160 Firestop Plug ensures that both, flame spread and smoke, are stopped for 120 minutes. For a full list of our UL listed through-penetration firestopping systems, please visit the DOWNLOADS section.
Can be used with TENMAT’s FF365 Fire Protection Sealant.
TENMAT FF160 Firestop Plugs are available in two different sizes:
FF160-2.5: Diameter 2.5″ Thickness 2.5″
FF160-4 : Diameter 4″ Thickness 2.5″