Tenmat puts the sound back in fire rated ceiling assemblies

Tenmat announces new fire protection cover for in-ceiling loudspeakers.

Over the past few years, Delaware-based Tenmat has altered the way builders, contractors and architects deal with the problem of maintaining a ceiling’s fire rating when installing recessed light fixtures. With the introduction of the FF109-FRSC, the range of application of this highly effective product has now expanded to loudspeakers with dimensions up to 10”.

Recessed speakers in ceilings are widely used in residential and commercial buildings.

Each ceiling is subject to fire regulations and where applicable the ceiling construction needs to be fire rated. However, once a hole is made in the ceiling for recessed speakers, as well as lighting, the integrity of the construction and its ability to perform in a fire is reduced significantly. This is the reason why the NEC states in Section 640.25 about Loudspeaker Installation in Fire-Rated Partitions, Walls, and Ceilings:

“Loudspeakers installed in a fire resistance-rated partition, wall, or ceiling shall be listed for that purpose or installed in an enclosure or recess that maintains the fire resistance rating.”

In the past, sound professionals relied solely on custom-building sheetrock or drywall enclosures around speakers to maintain a ceiling’s fire-rating, which is costly and time consuming to build.

In response, Tenmat developed the FF109-FRSC, composed of an intumescent material, which allows for 60 minutes of protection from heat, flames, and smoke. In addition, the sound absorbing properties of this propitiatory intumescent material enhances the acoustic performance of the structure for crisper and clearer sound.

With the product’s easy installation and its resulting labor-savings, sound professionals worldwide value the FF109-FRSC. Additionally, the lightweight covers do not require any additional maintenance and are unaffected by moisture after installation.

The benefits of the FF109-FRSC Fire Rated Speaker Cover include:

• 1 Hour Fire Tested
• Only fire tested solution for retrofit applications
• Easy Installation – can be fitted in seconds – no screws, drilling or additional sealant required
• Ultra flexible (Ideal for remodel and retrofit applications)
• Fits most in-ceiling loudspeakers up to 10″
• Significant Labor savings
• Lightweight (1.5 lbs.)
• Flexible material enables the cover to be fitted around obstructions or retro-fitted
• In a fire, the intumescent material expands 5 times of its original thickness, closing the vent hole and preventing flame spread
• Easy to remove and re-install for light fixture maintenance
• Enhances the acoustic protection of the ceiling
• Maintenance free
• 60-minute fire protection

Tenmat is the market leader in the production of Fire Rated Recessed Light Covers which satisfies the International Building Code (IBC), as well as the National Electric Code (NEC).

Tenmat Fire Rated Speaker Covers are used in various applications throughout the entire United States and Canada; from multi-residential homes to retail spaces, hospitals, and assisted-living homes. To learn more about the Fire Rated Speaker Covers please visit the product page on tenmatusa.com .

Tenmat Inc on the Move

As Tenmat’s business in North America is growing, we are also physically expanding and moving our North American sales & distribution center to accommodate our growth.

Starting February 2022, our new address is:
Tenmat Inc.
500 Water Street
Newport, DE 19804

All other business contacts, including website (www.tenmatusa.com), email (info@tenmatusa.com), telephone (1-800-821-3436), and fax (302-633-6838) remain the same.

Please update your records with our new address.

All of our other contact information will remain the same and we are looking forward to continue servicing you from our brand new location.

Tenmat acquires PFC Corofil

Tenmat (part of the Diamorph Group) are delighted to announce the acquisition of PFC Corofil, from The Encon Group, effective from close of business on Tuesday 30th November 2021.

PFC Corofil is a UK based, family run business, trading in the passive fire protection industry since 1962. Their reputation, technical expertise and quality of products will be a welcome addition to the Tenmat family.

The addition of PFC Corofil will assist with the establishment and introduction of Tenmat into international markets, as well as new product areas, ensuring that trusted passive fire protection products are available and accessible to more communities.

Tenmat are pleased to have also secured, through this acquisition, a supply agreement with Encon, a specialist distributor of building products in the United Kingdom, that will help to maintain PFC and Encon’s long standing and successful relationship.

“Joining Tenmat with PFC will provide a great platform to further service the Passive Fire Protection market across all customers and markets in the UK and across the globe, both businesses have a strong basis in robust test data as well as a history of innovation.” Ed Peltor, Managing Director

Join TENMAT at WABO’s Education Institute

Join TENMAT’s  fire protection team at the WABO’s Annual Education Institute from March 15th to March 18th 2021.

The Washington Association of Building Officials’ (WABO) Annual Education Institute will be held online from March 15th to March 18th and TENMAT’s representatives will be available to answer any questions at our virtual booth. If you are an inspector, plans examiner, permit technician, code enforcement officer, building official, architect, engineer, manager, leader, director or are otherwise working or interested in a safe built community, please join us from March 15-18 online and meet us virtually in the exhibitor market place.  The event offers a virtual meeting room where building safety professionals, code enforcement officials and inspectors go to learn about the latest products and services needed to keep buildings safe and meet and maintain compliance with accepted codes and standards.

TENMAT as a leading manufacturer of fire protection products and materials is proud to join other professionals, such as local tradesmen, architects, engineers, and fire safety professionals to exchange critical information on the latest technologies for building a safer, more resilient world.

TENMAT will be virtually exhibiting and answering all questions about our product portfolio consisting of fire rated enclosures for recessed lights, luminaires and troffers, cavity barriers for ventilated façade and cladding systems, joint seal protection, fire barriers and range of intumescent materials. A large proportion of TENMAT’s business is working with other passive fire protection manufacturers to design, develop and fire test products for them with TENMAT intumescent material as its functioning component.

Our innovative line of UL fire rated light covers for recessed lights and troffers are an easy to install and cost saving option to maintain the required fire resistance of the ceiling. TENMAT’s wide product variety gives electrical contractors, architects, and electrical engineers more freedom in fixture selection as the covers are suited to fit a wide range of recessed fixtures and fluorescent luminaires.

We are looking forward to meeting you at our virtual booth!

#tenmat #tenmatfireprotection #lifesafety #fireprotection #passivefireprotection #wabo2021 #icc #iccsafe #buildingcodes #buidlingcodeeducation

Virtually meet TENMAT at EduCode 2021

Chat with the TENMAT fire protection team at the International Code Council’s EduCode Conference from March 1st to March 5th 2021.

The annual EduCode Conference and Exposition is going virtual this year and so are we. If you are an inspector, plans examiner, permit technician, code enforcement officer, building official, architect, engineer, manager, leader, director or are otherwise working or interested in a safe built community, please join us from March 1-5 online and meet us virtually in the exhibitor market place.  The Expo is organized by the Southern Nevada Chapter of the International Code Council and a virtual meeting room where building safety professionals, code enforcement officials and inspectors go to learn about the latest products and services needed to keep buildings safe and meet and maintain compliance with accepted codes and standards. EduCode 2021 promises to offer a full week of online training where attendees will receive 4.0 CEUs of ICC Provider credits.

TENMAT as a leading manufacturer of fire protection products and materials is proud to join other professionals, such as local tradesmen, architects, engineers, and fire safety professionals to exchange critical information on the latest technologies for building a safer, more resilient world.

TENMAT will be virtually exhibiting and answering all questions about our product portfolio consisting of fire rated enclosures for recessed lights, luminaires and troffers, cavity barriers for ventilated façade and cladding systems, joint seal protection, fire barriers and range of intumescent materials. A large proportion of TENMAT’s business is working with other passive fire protection manufacturers to design, develop and fire test products for them with TENMAT intumescent material as its functioning component.

Our innovative line of UL fire rated light covers for recessed lights and troffers are an easy to install and cost saving option to maintain the required fire resistance of the ceiling. TENMAT’s wide product variety gives electrical contractors, architects, and electrical engineers more freedom in fixture selection as the covers are suited to fit a wide range of recessed fixtures and fluorescent luminaires.

We are looking forward to meeting you at our virtual booth!

#tenmat #tenmatfireprotection #lifesafety #fireprotection #passivefireprotection #educode2021 #icc #iccsafe #buildingcodes #buidlingcodeeducation

TENMAT Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers win Top Product Award

Electrical Products & Solutions Magazine selects TENMAT Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers as Top Product

The US trade publication Electrical Products & Solutions (EPS) has named TENMAT 1 Hour Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers one of the Top Products for electrical contractors in 2020.

EPS recognizes that the new TENMAT light covers are the most versatile solution to safely fire protect in-ceiling low-profile LED light fixtures and prevent flame spread in case of a fire.

Low-profile and wafer style LED lights are becoming increasingly popular in both retrofit and new construction applications as they consume less electricity and burn much cooler than incandescent lights. However since these lights still penetrate the fire resistance-rated ceiling, the building code requires them to be enclosed with a solution that will maintain the fire resistance rating of the ceiling assembly.

TENMAT covers were specifically designed to meet this building code requirement and provide a 1 hour fire resistance rating for your LED light fixture.

In addition, the unique design gives the architect, developer and electrical contractor more freedom in light and trim selection as the covers are suited to fit a wide range of light sizes, types and brands.

The flexible and lightweight nature of the covers makes installation quick and easy to provide a fire rated LED light, decreases the stress put on the ceiling and significantly reduces labor costs compared to standard dry-walled box constructions, making it the ideal solution for electrical contractors.

The high expansion and insulating properties of the cover ensure that both, flame spread and heat transmission, are stopped for 60 minutes (FF109-200 and/or FF109-250).

For our full line of fire rated LED light enclosures, please visit www.tenmatusa.com/fire-rated-light-enclosures

Happy Holidays 2020

Happy Holidays from the entire TENMAT team.


We are wishing all of our customers, partners and employees happy holidays and a prosperous and healthy 2021. Thank you for your continuous support throughout the year and your ongoing business.

Our US office will be closed on December 24 and December 25 but we will be back for you on Monday, December 28. To contact us, please call us at 1-800-821-3436 or contact us here.


NEW Fire Protection Foams and Sealants

Fire Protection Sealant

TENMAT adds full line of Fire Protection for electrical wires, conduits and cables in membrane and through penetrations in walls and ceilings, including Fire Protection Foams, Fire Protection Sealants and Fire Protection Blocks.

The FF365 is TENMAT’s new Fire Protection Sealant designed to help properly fire rate membrane penetrations in walls and ceilings. The FF365 is suitable for irregular, hard-to-access, and small penetrations and can be used in combination with other TENMAT products such as the FF260 Blocks, the FF160 Plugs and the FF130E Recessed Light Cover series.

The FF360 Fire Protection Foam is a UL classified two-component intumescent foam that can be used in combination with the FF260 Blocks or FF160 Plugs to seal wall and ceiling openings. FF360 is suitable for irregular or hard-to-access openings and can also be used as a single product solution.

The FF260 TENMAT Fire Protection Blocks can be stacked and cut to fire rate wall penetrations. FF260 blocks are designed to be stacked and cover larger penetrations, such as cable tray openings, etc. FF260 is made of a soft and flexible intumescent material which allows for easy retroactive installation of cables or pipes in openings up to 384 in² with a max. dimension of 32””.

These innovative materials:
• Are CLEAN to work with
• Have QUICK handling times
• Are EASY TO RETROFIT after they’ve been cured

Benefits of TENMAT Fire Protection Foams, Fire Protection Sealants and Fire Protection Blocks include:

• Fire tested and rated
• Easy Retroactive Installation
• Cost-effective
• Easy application
• Suitable for openings that are difficult to access or that are irregular
• Fast and clean work
• Suitable for large and medium openings with a mix of penetrating elements
• Flexible
• Single product solution
• UL Classified

TENMAT products can be used in firestopping applications throughout the entire United States and Canada; from office buildings and high rises, to small apartments, over single-family homes to multifamily dwellings, college dormitories, hospitals, assisted-living facilities, and hotels.

For more information about TENMAT’s new Fire Protection Foams and Sealants, please visit www.tenmatusa.com/fire-rated-penetration-products/

TENMAT introduces new 1 Hour Fire Rated LED Downlight Cover

FF109 Fire Rated LED Light Cover

TENMAT is excited to introduce the FF109 Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers, the only flexible 1 hour fire barrier for low profile recessed light fixtures on the market. The TENMAT FF109  Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers are cone-shaped intumescent enclosures which have been specifically designed to help maintain the integrity of openings of up to 6” diameter in fire rated ceilings when penetrated by modern low profile LED downlight fixtures.

The ultra-flexible nature of the material allows the cover to get rolled up for easy retrofit, remodel or new construction installation from below the ceiling to protect modern low profile LED light fixture and provide a 60 minute flame, smoke and heat barrier.

The FF109 Low-Profile LED Recessed Light Covers are suitable for most low profile LED lights, ultra-thin wafer LED recessed lights, LED recessed retrofit downlights, LED recessed ceiling light and recessed spotlight remodel kits installed in fire-resistance rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies (attic spaces).

The unique design gives the architect, specifier and installer more freedom in fixture selection as the covers are suited to a wide range of LED models and types.

Benefits of TENMAT’s Fire Rated LED Downlight Protection Covers include:

• 1 Hour Fire Tested
• Only fire tested solution for retrofit applications
• Easy Installation – can be fitted in seconds – no screws, drilling or additional sealant required
• Ultra flexible (Ideal for remodel and retrofit applications)
• Fits most 4” and 6” low profile LED downlight fixtures
• Significant Labor savings
• Lightweight
• Flexible material enables the cover to be fitted around obstructions or retro-fitted
• Vent hole on top of the cover reduces the risk of over-heating of the light in normal use
• In a fire, the intumescent material expands 5 times of its original thickness, closing the vent hole and preventing flame spread
• Easy to remove and re-install for light fixture maintenance
• Enhances the acoustic protection of the ceiling
• Maintenance free
• 60-minute fire protection

The cones come ready-to-use and can be fitted with little or no skills and without special tools. Once in place the covers do not require any additional maintenance and are unaffected by moisture.

TENMAT Recessed Light Covers are used in thousands of applications throughout the entire United States and Canada; from small apartments, over single-family homes to multifamily dwellings, college dormitories, hospitals, assisted-living facilities, hotels and office buildings.

For more information about  TENMAT’s new 1 Hour Fire Rated LED Downlight Covers, please visit https://www.tenmatusa.com/fire-rated-light-enclosures/ff109-250-1-hour-fire-rated-led-downlight-cover/

Acquisition Newsflash

TENMAT is excited to officially announce its acquisition of California based Brandguard Vents, a leading supplier of wildfire rated vents, which protect against direct ingress of wildfire embers and flames into buildings.

Brandguard Vents were invented in 2003 by Brent Berkompas while working as a firefighter for the City of San Bernardino, California. Since then Brandguard Vents had grown its portfolio of fire rated vents and expanded into becoming a full service provider, from product selection to delivery and installation to help keep homes safer in wildfire and bushfire threatened areas.

The acquisition further strengthens TENMAT’s role as a leading manufacturer of innovative fire protection products and materials, adding a variety of synergetic products to TENMAT’s range of advanced fire protection solutions.

By welcoming the Brandguard Vents team and its expertise and know-how, TENMAT is poised to more efficiently serve the global fire protection market, and specifically the growing market for fire tested and approved building solutions for the construction industry.

Together, TENMAT and Brandguard Vents, possess unrivalled innovation and technical expertise to meet the increasing demand for advanced fire protection solutions and stringent fire protection legislation worldwide, including the tighter guidelines concerning protection of residential and commercial building vents in areas at risk of wildfires and bushfires.

TENMAT is a multinational corporation with presence in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, Germany, the Czech Republic and Italy as well as a global network of vendors and distributors. TENMAT is fully committed to technical excellence through heavy investment in ongoing research and development. TENMAT has extensive in-house technical resources to develop innovative and high-quality products.

For further information, please visit Brandguardvents.com and TENMATUSA.com