
Tried, Tested, Troffers.

Learn More About Passive Fire Protection for Troffer Luminaires.

When developing the ceiling infrastructure of a new healthcare facility or K12 building, architects and developers tend to favor troffer luminaire fixtures – due to their capability of producing a large lighting output and its affordability for stringent budgets. Often, troffer luminaires can be identified in various applications, such as
• Educational Facilities – includes K12 Buildings, Pre-Schools, University Lecture Halls.
• Government Buildings – includes Post Offices, State and Local Government Offices Spaces, Public Libraries, and Correctional Facilities.
• Commercial Spaces – includes Private Office Spaces, Shopping Centers, and Airports.
• Healthcare Infrastructures – includes Hospitals, Assisted Living Facilities, Rehabilitation Centers, Physical Therapy Offices.

From the previously extensive list, troffer luminaires are a staple lighting fixture in past construction practices and are still present element in current and future construction plans. Due to its popularity, it is critical to address its accompanying life safety hazards when installed into ceiling/floor assemblies. In the unfortunate event of a fire, when a lighting fixture, such as a troffer luminaire, is exposed to heat and flames for 15 minutes, the fixture is completely engulfed – allowing for flames and smoke to escape at an accelerated pace throughout the structure. In consideration of this life safety hazard, building code officials have implemented a building requirement to ensure the protection of the lives and properties within our communities. For reference, section 714.5.2. of the 2021 IBC states:

“Where floor/ceiling assemblies are required to have a fire-resistance rating, recessed fixtures shall be installed such that the required fire resistance will not be reduced.”

In addition to this building code requirement, troffers tend to be associated with high-functioning environments, such as healthcare facilities; therefore, architects and electrical engineers require a fire-rated solutions, which offers a quick and mess-free installation. On account of these two requirements, Tenmat has developed a fire-tested and approved solution to check off both of the priorly mentioned demands.

Tenmat’s FF130 – 2’x2’ and FF130 – 2’x4’ Fire Rated Troffer Covers, composed of the latest in intumescent technology, allows for unprotected ceiling openings to be protected for up to 60 minutes. When subjected to flames and heat, the intumescent expands, forming a tough char, sealing off any gaps in the ceiling opening. In addition to its firestopping capabilities, Tenmat’s Fire Rated Troffer Covers can either be retrofitted into renovation scenarios or fitted into new construction applications – optimal for stringent lead times. With no need for additional tools and screws, the FF130 – 2’x2’and FF130 – 2’x4’ can be installed in a matter of minutes with no mess – ideal for renovations in an elementary school or public hospital.

Here at Tenmat, we are dedicated to proving the latest in passive fire protection technology and advocate for the safety of our communities. If you have any questions regarding the information above, please contact one of our specialists at +1 (800) 821-3436 or email us at

http://Learn More about Tenmat’s Fire-Rated Troffer Covers Here.


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